Sunday, July 25, 2010

Trinity's New Hair-Do

How do you like Trinity's new do? I was changing her diaper yesterday and I noticed that her hair has gotten thicker so I wanted to try this out. I think its so cute!

Trinity has been doing a lot of new things lately! She waves bye-bye and hi so pretty now and you can get her to do it almost all the time. Yesterday she even patty-caked with me! She has been mocking me and her daddy a lot too. When I cough, she coughs. When I hit the table, she hits the table. When I blow raspberries, she blows raspberries. Thursday night during church, every time our pastor clapped, she would clap! And this morning at church I would raise my hand to praise the Lord and I looked at her and she was doing it too!
It is so cute to see her mocking people. I really need to watch what I do and say! She is watching my life and I want to be able to lead her straight to Jesus when she is old enough.


  1. I love the hairdo!! Very cute.
    Trinity will be a year old soon and it's so hard to believe. Our kids are growing up!! I'm just glad they are growing up together. :)

  2. Her hair is adorable! She is almost as cute as her mommy!
